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Empowering highly ambitious women to reach success and fulfilment without burning out

12-Week Specialised Coaching Programme


We are here to help you
find your way

Living a balanced life, running your career and passions at full-throttle, and still finding time for family, friends, and self-care might seem like a tough nut to crack. But here, at The Coaching Alchemist, we strongly believe that being a highly ambitious woman is by no means a contradiction.


We believe that you possess all it takes to reach success at no cost to your health and wellbeing, and to have a fulfilling lifestyle with no sacrifice to your professional ambitions or family life.


​With the right tools and appropriate support, you can grow your riches and shine, in all areas of life, without burning out while striving to achieve your goals. 


Come join us for our 12-week unique holistic coaching programme, where we help cultivate a winning mindset, powerful communication skills, and killer self-care practices, to show you how to 'move mountains' and have it all!

Ain't no mountain high enough!

Are you a highly ambitious woman striving for new heights...
but burnout somehow always seems to beat you to it?


Do you aim for success by overworking, but feel like what you do is never enough?

Do your emotions run riot and your brains buzz even when you’re not working?


Are you frequently stressed, exhausted, and feel lost in the daily grind?

Research shows that most women burn-out because they are either chasing the wrong dream, or they are chasing the right dream in all the wrong ways… without even realising it!


And in the process, they arere going around in circles, trying various self-help strategies…

...but nothing seems to work! 


  • Constantly switching jobs 

  • Taking a long weekend every other year 

  • Waiting for the overwhelm to subside 


Does this sound familiar?

But what if we told you that things don't have to be this way?

What if there was a proven method to change this... FOR GOOD?

What if you could:

√  Stop feeling lost in the daily grind

√  Reach success mindfully and without overwork

√  Stop stress and exhaustion from taking over your life

√  Take charge of your time and manage your energy efficiently

√  Fuel your fire to accomplish more while being happier, healthier, and in control

Image by Clay Banks

We are here to tell you




and we can help


Our unique From Breakdowns To Breakthroughs programme is specifically designed to enable you to tackle burnout head-on and kick it to the curb before it knocks you down.
We help you combat pressure and cultivate your power.
We teach you to be on top of your game while feeling totally inspired and in love with what you do.

If you're ready to stop the 'tired of being tired' cycle,
and want to learn powerful methods to reach success and fulfilment
without burning out... 


What you gain by joining us

You will learn proven skills and predictable techniques which help and empower you to…

  • Gain clarity on what you want and what you need to do to achieve it

  • Create balance in your career and life​

  • Gain confidence

  • Communicate your needs effectively

  • Set healthy boundaries without guilt and worry

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  • Build resilience

  • Set and acdeeply focused goals

  • Take mindful action without burning out in the process

Combating burnout isn't about sitting for hours, 
reading self-help books...

It's about doing something practical to create change in the way you think, feel, and interact with the world!

Want to learn more about the programme?

*Results you'll achieve will depend on how dedicated you are to taking personal responsibility and implementing the self-development practice.
The programme is most effective for individuals who are fully committed to making a change and ready to be challenged.


I know what it feels like, as I have been where you might be now!

Meet your coach

I know what it feels like, as I have been where you might be now! Unaware of or struggling to overcome my own unhelpful behaviours, and trapped in limiting thinking patterns, I became a prisoner of my circumstances..., and feeling helpless enough to believe that nothing could ever change my life for the better.


I was wrong!


Until this proven system has taught me how to break the habits that were keeping me stuck for years, and helped me kick burnout to the curb...FOR GOOD!


Now I'm here to share it, so it can do the same for you!

I'm Anna Olejnik, aka The Coaching Alchemist, a burnout champion turned coach, with passion for a winning mindset, wellbeing, and intentional living.


I'm an accredited expert Transformational Life & Success Coach with extensive training and years of hands-on experience in Positive Psychology, Neurolinguistic Programming, and Mindfulness.

I hold a BA in Psychology from Yale University and an MSc in Organisational Psychology from University College London.

My strong academic background, and practical professional and personal experience, enable me to offer a unique holistic coaching methodology, to help you gain clarity, cultivate empowering mindset, build confidence, increase resilience, and improve you can ultimately see major positive changes unfold in your life.

What our clients say

Happy Woman

“Coaching with Anna sparked the motivation and the ability to chase my dream. I always had a vision, but I couldn’t create a pathway to it. Anna's online coaching program helped me overcome feelings of failure and keep a clear vision and action plan. I’m super grateful!”


Sarah D.

Learn more about this programme

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